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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Go Rock The Vote Tennessee! (and who I voted for.)

Today is local general election and state and federal primary election day in Tennessee.  Again, I want to thank everyone who put their trust in me, allowing me to win my primary.  I am still very, very humbled.  Because I don't have a general election opponent, I will need just one vote to officially win my race today. 

Some of you may recall that I promised transparency, and because of that, you will find who I voted for in today's elections (I utilized early voting) below.

-District 3A County Commissioner:  Aaron Yeargan (R)
-District 3B County Commissioner: Ronald Hudson (R)

-County Mayor: Gregg Ridley (R)

-County Road Supervisor: Marvin Smith (R)

-District Judge: Justin Angel (R)

-Sheriff: Doug Roberson (D)

***State/Federal Republican Primary***

-State Representative: Ron Travis

-State Senator:  Matt Swallows

-Governor: Bill Haslam

-U.S. Congressman District 4:  Dr. Scott DesJarlais

-U.S. Senator: Joe Carr

Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments, and remember, GO VOTE! #LiveFree

-ADY "A Regular Guy On The Issues"

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