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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Message to the Honorable Kenneth E. Melson Concerning ATF Operation Gunrunner.

Dear Acting Director Melson,

Good afternoon Sir.  I hope this finds you doing well.  I am writing to you today concerning the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' (ATF) Operation Gunrunner.  The more I learn about this operation, the more I believe it is a grave infringement on our constitutional rights and civil liberties.

As I am sure you already know, through this program, the ATF has authorized gun dealers to purposely sale thousands of weapons to suspected smugglers in order to trace their movement.  As more information is being made public, it has been suggested that one of those guns may have been used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.  It is very disheartening to think that this government program may have assisted in the death of one of our nation's own law enforcement officers.  We all know that criminals, by definition, break the law.  So, all that this program does is entrap law abiding gun owners, taking away their ability to properly defend themselves. 

As a member of both the Gun Owners of America and Democrats for Gun Ownership, I ask that you, as acting director of the ATF, allow more public transparency and congressional access into Operation Gunrunner.  I appreciate any feedback or additional information that you may have on this issue.  I hope to hear from you soon.  Thank you.


Aaron D. Yeargan

CC: The Office of the Honorable Eric J. Holder, Attorney General of the United States;
       The Office of the Honorable Mike McIntyre (D-NC07), U.S. House of Representatives;
       The Honorable Andrew Napolitano;
       The Honorable Susan N. Herman, President, American Civil Liberties Union;
       Mr. John Velleco, Director of Federal Affairs, Gun Owners of America;
       Mr. David M. Lauer, Govermental Affairs Officer, Democrats for Gun Ownership;
       Mr. Brooks Nelson, Democratic Freedom Caucus.
       Mr. Aaron Biterman, Republican Liberty Caucus;
       Mr. Nick Gillespie, Editor-In-Chief, Reason TV;
       Mr. Matt Welch, Editor-In-Chief, Reason Magazine.

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