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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Democrats For Gary Johnson For President!

Hello All!

I wanted to send a quick note to say that I will be using my blog in the coming weeks and months to support Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson's presidential campaign.  For all of the Freedom Democrats out there, as well as left-leaning independents and other civil libertarians, I want to say that Governor Johnson is a very viable candidate.

Also, if you supported Rep. Ron Paul in the past, Gov. Johnson takes Congressman Paul's liberty philosophy and implements it with common sense.  He's not a "lesser of two evils" candidate. He's the real deal...a true People's President!

So...stay tuned for more....

In the meantime, you can learn more about Governor Johnson by visiting the following sites:

Gary Johnson For President 2012:

Gov. Gary Johnson FaceBook Profile:

Gov. Gary Johnson Twitter:

Gov. Gary Johnson You Tube Channel:

Gary Johnson's Our America Initiative:

Our America Initiative You Tube Channel:

Democrats For Gary Johnson 2012 FaceBook Group (not affiliated with this blog):

Liberals For Gary Johnson FaceBook Group:

-ADY "A Regular Guy On The Issues"

1 comment:

Hardy said...

Also join us over at
where grassroots supporters for GJ are getting together to help spread Gary's name and ideas.