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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Who I Voted For - Nov. 4th General Election.


As I said when I was elected to office, I would offer 100% transparency, so below you will find who I voted for in the November 4th General Election (I took advantage of early voting earlier today).

-Governor:  Dr. Shaun Crowell (Conservative Party)

-U.S. Senate:  Joshua James (Independent/Libertarian)

-U.S. House 4th District:  Robert Rankin Doggart (Independent)

-State Representative: Ron Travis (Republican)

-State Senator:  Paul Bailey (Republican)

-State Constitution Amendment 1:  Yes

-State Constitution Amendment 2:  Yes

-State Constitution Amendment 3:  Yes

-State Constitution Amendment 4:  Yes

-ADY "A Regular Guy On The Issues"

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