-ADY "A Regular Guy On The Issues"
Libertarian Sarvis injects freshness into Virginia governor’s race forum
Dean Hoffmeyer/AP - Candidates for the Virginia governor seat Ken Cuccinelli, left, Terry McAuliffe, center, Robert Sarvis, right, participate in a community forum at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Va., on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013. (AP Photo/Richmond Times-Dispatch, Dean Hoffmeyer) ONLN OUT; IONLN OUT
Anyone weary of the campaign same-old, same-old — Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II (R) saying, “I’m the only candidate in the race who won’t need on-the-job training,” or Democrat Terry McAuliffe declaring, “We’ve got sequestration here for the year” — could enjoy these new nuggets Saturday from little-known candidate Robert Sarvis: Quoting Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Advocating an end to the war on drugs. Discussing abortion as a “metaphysical” disagreement. And saying flatly that contracting policies that favor minority-owned businesses violate “the rule of law.”
It was a revelation to even the most dedicated politics-watchers because Sarvis, who has been polling around 10 percent, has been shut out of every debate. He has participated in some forums with McAuliffe and Cuccinelli, but they were small ones that brought out the candidates sequentially, not together. On Saturday, Sarvis was allowed to take the stage with his major-party competition at a forum sponsored by Radio One and 8News, Richmond’s ABC television affiliate.
“He seems genuine, and I like that he doesn’t appear to be backed by big money,” said Felicia Kalber, 43, who came to the event inclined to vote for Sarvis and left convinced that she would. Kalber, who does accounting work, picked up a Sarvis pin and put it on before leaving.
The Richmond forum, which drew more than 100 people to the Virginia War Memorial, was not a formal debate. The candidates sat side by side and took turns answering questions posed by a moderator. There was no back and forth.
“A third-party governor is exactly what we need,” he said. “We need . . . to take the good from both and leave the bad behind.”
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