Hello All!
The below press release was put out this morning by Wayne Allyn Root. For those of you who may not know who Wayne is, he's a multi millionaire, Las Vegas businessman, best selling author, and 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee. More information about Wayne can be found at his website, Root For America, http://www.rootforamerica.com
Monday March 15, 2010
Hello, this is Wayne Allyn Root ... and I am seeking the chairmanship of the Libertarian National Committee.
We need to dramatically change the direction of the Libertarian Party.
We do not need an "administrator" who shuffles papers. We need a dynamic voice for Libertarian principles. We need to bring more people to the Party so that we can dramatically and quickly reduce the size and scope of the State.
We need to bring a jolt of energy and passion to the party and freedom movement that has been lacking for years.
We need a "Chief Salesman & Spokesman" for the Libertarian Party brand.
Our party has a great message, yet we have not achieved the level of success that Liberty deserves. What we have lacked is a positive, dynamic, passionate, high-energy communicator. Just as Reagan brought that to the GOP; and Obama brought to the Democratic Party; and Sarah Palin has now brought to the Tea Party movement.
The success and media coverage of the Tea Party movement is fantastic. I applaud what they have accomplished. But they've stolen our thunder. We were there long before the Tea Parties pointing to the size and corruption of government; out of control spending; unsustainable deficits; bloated government employee compensation and pensions; the cost of wars; and taxation without representation. We knew it...we called it...yet we're being left behind.
We must take advantage of this taxpayer revolt... and the coming citizen revolution. I believe the future is bright for the LP, but we must act now, or get left behind.
We need an LNC Chairman who can represent the Libertarian Party with vigor in the national media...give speeches across this great country to audiences looking for freedom...sell the Libertarian Party to American voters...raise money from not only Libertarian Party members, but from libertarian-leaning voters...convert mainstream voters like Republicans, conservatives, independents, Tea Party activists, and blue dog Democrats to the Libertarian Party (as voters AND contributors)...and appear on national TV to debate as EQUALS with the RNC and DNC Chairmen.
I want to be that person, there to serve you and the freedom movement!
With your support, there are several strengths that I plan to bring to the table with the potential to change the direction and supercharge the success of the Libertarian Party:
#1) Nonstop media appearances to make the Libertarian Party a household brand name. And it won't just be my face on national TV as the "Libertarian Party National Chair." I want as many of our candidates and state chairs to become spokespersons, as well. My goal is to create hundreds of Libertarian candidates and leaders who are media savvy and effective at spreading our message.
Effective media training will be the key to accomplishing this.
As National Chair, I will use my decades of media experience to train each of you to become media magnets.
I want to share with you my secrets I have learned over the years that have enabled me to attract the amazing amount of media attention you have seen me garner during the past 2 years:
· almost 2000 media appearances
· regular guest on FOX News
· regular guest on multiple national radio shows reaching millions
· my own newspaper column in a major newspaper
· a column at Newsmax -- the 12th most popular web site in the world
· guest host on 3 national radio shows
· my own local radio show and offers to syndicate across the country
· lead speaker at Tea Party events across the country
· my book has been the #1 or #2 ranked book I the category of "Libertarian Books" at Amazon for 9 consecutive months
Imagine if we could train hundreds of our leaders, state chairman and candidates to experience similar levels of media success. The result would be incredible SYNERGY -- and it's exactly what we need to gain momentum versus the powerful 2-party system.
Imagine what this success would mean to 50 LP state chairmen across the country -- NEW RECRUITS, NEW VOTERS, NEW MEMBERS, NEW CONTRIBUTORS. If we do this right, we're going to be very busy!
I want to send a wave of leads our way. And if I can train our citizen soldiers to effectively work the media, we can make this into a tidal wave. Your job will be to get ready for a flood of fresh recruits for our state and local organizations.
Prepare for a Libertarian revolution!
#2) ENERGY and excitement, along with the skills of a communicator and entertainer (like Reagan and Obama brought to their respective political parties). I will use that energy to recruit solid LP candidates across the country...and to convince already elected officials to switch parties to the LP. If we can get some momentum going, our party will be unstoppable. We just have to get the ball rolling.
#3) Fundraising. In the business world I raised $20 million dollars for just one of my small niche projects. I have raised many millions for my various business projects -- all by winning over investors and collecting one check at a time.
They say that money is "the mother's milk of politics." We need to dedicate resources to teaching fellow Libertarians how to raise money, so that candidates and state parties are sufficiently funded so our message reaches the public.
And I am prepared to travel the country to help raise money for local parties and candidates. My appearances as keynote speaker will help to supercharge attendance and set fundraising records for your state.
#4) Sales, marketing, and branding experience. In the business world I recently created a web site built around my talents promoting a message on video. I turned my web site into a TV screen, filled with videos selling a message. It has turned into a mega-success. In just a few short months, my web business has become one of the top grossing web sites of its kind in the country. I will translate that same business model to the Libertarian Party web site to set fundraising records.
Our LP national web site needs to be revamped to make it more interesting and effective. We are operating behind the times. I am already in contact with someone who can create a 21st century web site for us that will send new voters, members and contributors to each of our 50 state chairmen to build our local organizations.
#5) PASSION for the cause of economic and personal freedom. I hope you can feel it in this letter! Passion is what attracts college students as volunteers. That is how we must build this party and catch this wave -- with young people as the base (and future) of the LP. Ask Ron Paul about that. Young volunteers fueled his success. They were attracted to his spirit and passion. Well, think of me as Ron Paul...ON STEROIDS!
I will bring passion, energy, a dynamic speaking style, and youth (25 years from now, I'll still be younger than Ron Paul is today) to attract young enthusiastic volunteers to the LP. I will speak at colleges across the country to make sure that happens.
We must move forward quickly and relentlessly to take advantage of this unique window of opportunity. The time is perfect -- more voters call themselves independents than at any time in modern political history -- remarkably a majority of voters! Even more importantly, voters in recent polling ranked the Tea Party movement higher than the GOP or Democrats. AMAZING.
With your help, we can capitalize on this.
This isn't about ideas. If it were -- we'd already be the #1 political party...and leading in the polls. This is about sales, marketing, promotion, branding and ENERGY.
Join our effort and I promise you that I'll bring to our party a commitment and spirit that many have described as RELENTLESS.
I'm absolutely 100% committed! I really want to do this! I want to do this for my wife and my four young children. I want to do this for our party. I want to do this for the future of our country. And I want to do this for you.
But I can't do this alone...nor would I want to. I want to do this with you. We need to create hundreds (and eventually thousands) of media savvy Libertarians...and hundreds (and eventually thousands) of fundraising experts...and attract countless numbers of young volunteers. Together we will do it.
I know you're already working hard at this. In my travels around the country I have met so many dedicated Libertarians running for office, gathering signatures for ballot access, staffing booths at county fairs, stuffing fundraising envelopes, calling talk radio shows, and writing letters to the editor. Together, we can take this to the next level!
I don't have all the answers, but I'm committed to finding them. And I know that you and other party members will be there to share your advice and wisdom.
If there's one thing about the LP that I can state with absolute certainty, it's that our party has some of the smartest and most dedicated people I have ever had the honor of meeting.
I want you to join the team spearheading my campaign for Libertarian Party National Chair. I know you value freedom and liberty as much as we do. I would be honored to have you fighting alongside me!
To move forward there is one thing we need from you right now:
We need you to attend as a voting delegate at the Libertarian Party National Convention being held in St. Louis.
The Libertarian Party will hold its 2010 National Convention in downtown St. Louis at the Renaissance Grand Hotel the weekend of Memorial Day. You might want to use the trip as an early summer get-away and enjoy not only the Convention, but other attractions including the Gateway Arch, riverboats, baseball, brewery tours with free samples, dining, and American history. Much of this is within walking distance from the hotel.
Or you just might want to attend to have your vote counted and be part of something bigger than all of us -- CHANGING AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY by turning the LP into a political force that takes back America.
The Libertarian Party especially wants first timers to attend. Just note on the sign-up page (www.lpconvention.com) that you are a first-timer and want to become a delegate. The Credentials Committee will make sure that your state party's chairman knows you will be attending. If no seats remain in your state's delegation, other states are willing to adopt delegates. Getting seated as a delegate tends to be a formality and the Credentials Committee is there to facilitate the process.
As a delegate you will be able to vote for Wayne Allyn Root to be the next chairman of the Libertarian National Committee. Then we can make our dream of a Libertarian Party as a significant force in American politics a reality.
Now, it's up to you. Together we can set the tone of our message for the 2010 elections and beyond.
If America ever needed the Libertarian Party, it's now. And if the Libertarian Party ever needed your participation and support, it's now.
Meet us in St. Louis and help shape America's future on our historic mission to restore Liberty to America.
Just go to www.lpconvention.com and sign up today to take advantage of the early bird discounts. There's even an incentive rebate to those who stay in the Convention hotel.
As soon as you sign up, hit the reply key on this e-mail and let us know that you have reserved your spot.
As you read this, freedom lovers around the country are banding together to move our party and our country forward. This is only the beginning. Our future is bright. Help turn the LP into an "Only in America" underdog political success story...and a credible threat to the corrupt 2-party system.
Meet us in St. Louis for the event that can change political history.
Wayne Allyn Root
2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee
Author, "The Conscience of a Libertarian"
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